




Libertarian Candidate

for the


House of Representatives

Ninth Hampden District










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Robert Underwood

The legislature is a stage and the Republicrat actors attempt to be all things to all people, many times disregarding the consequences. Many one issue organizations which do not have public attention approach them with various demands. Since they are one issue groups, their support can be bought cheaply.

Every law has a cost. Bureaucrats must be hired to enforce it. Courts and police may require more personnel to enforce it.

If the new law results in people going to jail it is especially lucrative. It also gets the legislators on the stage and does not require than anyone do anything that works. Various driving laws for example are passed year after year about everything from driver education to drunk driving. But these laws do nothing about the people who wilfully drive to endanger. The Republicrats do not want to talk about that because their program is a failure.

I would only support laws that actually do something useful. That means I would not support redundant legislation when simply enforcing the existing laws would solve the problem.


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