




Libertarian Candidate

for the


House of Representatives

Ninth Hampden District










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Robert Underwood

The Great Republicrat Theft

Public Safety is a fraud. Most of the laws that Republicrats pass do not result in more public safety. They result in more red tape and fees for the law biding citizen.

We have read the papers. The stories of repeat offenders are without end, serious crimes committed by repeat offenders. Yet the rights of the innocent are under constant attack. It seems that all Republicrat law enforcement does is abridge the rights of the innocent while allowing the guilty to prey on the populace. The harsh reality is that the criminals and the Republicrats have the same pool of victims, us.

In some ways it is our own fault. We have been foolish enough to listen to the demand of law enforcement to abridge peoples rights. “If only cops would have more authority life would be wonderful.” Life in police states is not wonderful. If it were we would not be having a problem with immigration. Large numbers of police and the Politicians who support them make a country so unbearable that people will risk death in an attempt to leave it.

The courts are not functioning. The best way to deal with criminals is to do just that, deal with the criminals and leave everyone else alone. It should not take a long time for a trial. The DA in Hampden county said his courts are backed up with murders. That is not true. The courts are so backed up with stupid cases, drug usage, prostitution, self defense, that they do not have time to spend on murders. People want serious offenders jailed, not trivial cases.


Legalized Stealing







Vote Libertarian,

Vote Underwood

